Friday, September 3, 2010

Incorporating Exercise into Your Busy Day

"…But I'm taking five classes, working two jobs this semester and I've got to wash my dishes!" 

             Incorporating exercise into your daily routine can seem intimidating or way too time consuming. But just as kicking back to have a glass of wine at the end of your day is important to you so should be taking care of your body and mind. Plus, involving just a bit more physical activity can go a long way when it comes to handling stress or juggling all of these responsibilities that you have to take care of. Stop with the excuses! You can always make time to be active. Remember, your well-being comes first. 

Here are five simple ways to integrate a bit more activity into your busy day without going to the gym: 

Ditch the ride. If you live close enough to class or work, give yourself enough time in the morning so you can walk to your destination. This walk will wake you up and prepare you for your busy day. Plus, it will provide some time for you to think. Listen to the world, recite a positive mantra, breath deeply.  If you do not live close enough to walk, then park further away so you are forced to walk a bit more. Pick it up, turn it into a brisk walk. Get that body moving! 

Step it up! Take the stairs rather than the elevator. Even better, run up the stairs or skip a step and tackle every other stair. This will get your heart beat going. Even if it is just for a couple of seconds, every moment counts. 

Take a break. During your breaks from work, class or study sessions, take a short walk. Forget the the cigarette and do something productive like walking around the building or up a stair case. This will re-focus the mind so you are ready to get back to work. 

But I have this entire house to clean! Try integrating some exercises into your daily chores. Stop taking yourself too seriously! Put some music on while you sweep or vacuum and dance around the house.Take short breaks between dishes and do some jumping jacks.  Try doing sits up while you wait for the water to boil; do some squats while you stir that pasta. 

Being active while sitting. Try some isometric exercises while you sit at your desk or while you wait on line for another coffee. Isometric workouts help tone certain muscles groups. All you have to do is tighten an area of the body (butt, legs, stomach etc) for ten to thirty seconds and then release. Remember, DO NOT hold your breath. It is harmful for proper circulation. 

For all you SUNY New Paltz students out there looking for fun ways to up your activity, below I've attached some really great activities provided by our Athletic and Wellness Center. Get together with some friends and try out some of the Group Fitness Classes that the gym offers. Also, all semester the gym offers really cheap outdoor pursuits including horse back riding, rock climbing and flying trapeze trips. It is a great way to get active and meet new people. 

P.S. I teach the Boot Camp class on Fridays at 3:30! Since it is the beginning of the semester and we all have been relaxing on the beach all summer, the class starts off with a moderate exercise routine so we can make a slow progression to a higher intensity workout as the semester unfolds. Please come, it's a lot of fun and it's always nice to see new faces. :) 

1 comment:

  1. youll see me doing some butt exercises in the jasmines line ;]
